About Me
High-level understanding of AI and automation systems as well as a broad understanding of web-based solutions in JavaScript, jQuery, and HTML5.
Business Automation and Full-Stack development.
For the last decade, I have been apart of several startup projects where I designed and implemented:
A ticket support back-end, developed in C#, which:
Managed 3000 support issues a year in it's first three years.
Interacted with a Javascript, jQuery, Angular, front-end that supported staff in the field -- allowing them to focus on their work and not paperwork
Automated completed work order submission to third-party vendors
A Selenium, Python automation solution that transferred customer data from their mobile and web submissions directly to third-party applications, which:
Processed and submitted over 1000 applications a year
Eliminated the need for data-entry positions for a small startup where employee costs would have become unreasonable
Complied with stringent regulations in the healthcare field
Interacted with several different third-party systems without issue
Get in touch at joshbyrom.mobile@gmail.com